The Director of Education, Youth, and Community in the Beit Shemesh Municipality leads carpentry workshops throughout the Old City during the months of July and August, with the participation of various audiences from around the city.
The activities take place in the Narcissus neighborhoods, The vine, and Sharet Hill, and more. During the workshops, the residents of the neighborhoods build large pots for wooden plants, and seating areas.A variety of workshops were held for the general public. Which included workshops for couples. youth. parents. And children. The workshops are taught by Raviv Kornenfeld. Micro. Entrepreneur and educator. And a graduate of the Mandel Program for Educational Leadership. During the workshops, participants learned to work with different tools. Manual and electric. Along with creating wooden surfaces. They can be found throughout the city.
Mayor Dr. Aliza Bloch:
“The residents of Beit Shemesh are creative and active. And I am happy to see more activity that develops our city. Along with added value. I want to thank all those who were involved in the craft. And the residents themselves who take the initiative for Beit Shemesh. Together we will continue to promote our home.”
Head of Education, Youth and Community Sheri Dror:
“I congratulate all the participants in the carpentry workshops. The micro room we set up in the city has a goal to deepen and develop community responsibility in the city. From a broad educational perspective. Who sees all residents as true partners. And the entire State of Israel.”