As we approach Rosh Hashana and the new year, one of the best traditions takes place. The prayer notes that were buried between the layers of the Western Wall in the last six months were collected using disposable wooden vessels. The notes were collected in special bags then buried along with the holy books on the Mount of Olives (הר הזיתים).

Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz. The Rabbi of the Kotel. Personally accompanied the notes and offered a prayer for the tens of thousands of visitors who buried their prayers.

The tradition of burying notes in the Kotel is documented about three hundred years ago. By the holy light of life. The prayer notes are buried along the entire length of the Western Wall and can also be found among the layers of stones that were exposed in the Western Wall tunnels.

Every month, an average of 3,500 notes are sent through the Western Wall Heritage Foundation‘s website. Since the outbreak of the corona plague last year and to this day, about 100,000 notes have been sent through the website alone from countries around the world, including the United States, England, Brazil, Peru, the Czech Republic, Russia, Germany and even individuals from Jordan.

Western wall
photo credit: הקרן למורשת הכותל המערבי
Western wall
photo credit: הקרן למורשת הכותל המערבי

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